Starting up for good reasons.

There are many good reasons to start a business: groundbreaking ideas, the desire for independence or social progress. For lyabo Kaczmarek and Alexandra Faruga, equal opportunities and arrival are at the forefront of their initiative. With Under One Roof, the two are paving new paths into our society.

One project. One initiative.One community.

Unter einem Dach (german for “Under one roof”) helps people of all backgrounds to find a place in society. After the issues of refugees and integration became increasingly public in 2015, the two founders realized that a new culture of welcome was needed. One that promotes equal opportunities, supports integration and creates prospects. So the two founders, who have been close friends for years, began setting up workshops in refugee shelters. Through woodworking, interior design and tailoring, people met and gained mutual insights into supposedly foreign living environments. Following the positive response to the workshop in the community, lyabo Kaczmarek and Alexandra Faruga developed the initiative further outside the accommodation to support people in their professional orientation and further training in the trades.

Under One Roof promotes skills, creates space for cultural and social participation, networks regionally with social entrepreneurs and SMEs and supports people in their arrival process and beyond. The focus is on continuous and long-term support to enable people to shape their own future and achieve equal participation in society.


3 questions?3 answers!

What does the future of social startups and initiatives need?
We work with many interesting people and have great success stories. What we really need are long-term structures and institutional funding.

Where do you see the greatest potential for the future of the startup scene?
Young people! If systematic educational work about start-ups and self-employment was carried out at schools and young people looked at start-ups rather than just traditional companies during their career guidance internships, so many great new things could be created.

Your tip for anyone who wants to set up their own company?
Network with others. And look for a good tax consultant who knows their stuff.

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